Monday, February 12, 2007

Life In Edson

Here's my sexy boyfriend Steven, we've been together along time now, 3 and a half years!!!! Things are goin good as always. Its even better now that Iam living out in Edson. Iam living in a duplex with stevens cousin, she is cool and we get along good so thats what matters.
I also have a pretty good job now, I sell Steel! wow hey, sounds so fun! Its a good job for now anyways.


dan said...

KAREN!! Its SO great to see your blog!! I am thrilled! I miss you so much! Me and Joce want to come see you sometime soon!

dan said...

lets see some pictures of your house!! And how is your job going?

leanne said...

ooohhh, he IS sexy.. lol.. can i even say that?? whatever.. lol. i need to start a blog soon...