Thursday, March 8, 2007

The MYSTERY flowers

Friday Mar 2 was my B-day. Steven called me and asked if i wanted to go for lunch, but i wasnt so sure because it was burger day at work and i was making burgers, but he insisted. After our wonderful lunch together i came back to work to find- a dozen roses on my desk, thinking to myself that was so sweet of you Steven. Of course i was in a hurry to get to the card to see what sweet thing he wrote to me and to my surprise it says " Love Your Secert Admirer" What! why would he write that? I give him and call and say thanks for the flower- He says what flowers! You mean you didnt send me flowers? - We end up getting into a fight because i got flowers from another guy and he thinks i must be flirting with the guys who come into work. - JUST DUMB. Later on i call him back telling him he cant be mad at me for that. He starts laughin and says he really did give them to me.