Thursday, March 8, 2007

The MYSTERY flowers

Friday Mar 2 was my B-day. Steven called me and asked if i wanted to go for lunch, but i wasnt so sure because it was burger day at work and i was making burgers, but he insisted. After our wonderful lunch together i came back to work to find- a dozen roses on my desk, thinking to myself that was so sweet of you Steven. Of course i was in a hurry to get to the card to see what sweet thing he wrote to me and to my surprise it says " Love Your Secert Admirer" What! why would he write that? I give him and call and say thanks for the flower- He says what flowers! You mean you didnt send me flowers? - We end up getting into a fight because i got flowers from another guy and he thinks i must be flirting with the guys who come into work. - JUST DUMB. Later on i call him back telling him he cant be mad at me for that. He starts laughin and says he really did give them to me.


leanne said...

hahaha. what a BRAT.. good thing it all worked out.. only those joking van meetelens would go to that extreme for a joke

dan said...

STEVEN! What a brat! Happy birthday karen. PLEASE come visit soon! We miss you!

jocelyn said...

That's pretty clever of him. Happy Birthday!!!!

jocelyn said...

That's pretty clever of him. Happy Birthday!!!!

Karey said...

Hey Karen,

Dawn just told me about your blog so i thought i would check it out :) If you ever want to read my boring one check it out sometime. Have fun picking out a house plan :)


leanne said...

hey.. update your blog or something.. i know you dont have much time, but just post a picture of your ring or something :)

dan said...

OKAY LOSER, you get engaged and you cant even put that on your blog! You are an embarrasment to the blogging community! You are BANNED! Just kidding I love you, but seriously would it kill you to write a new post?